Family Pictures

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ally's Going to the Gym!!

Yep, you heard it here first....Ally's going to the gym. The Kids Body Shop that is. Most of you know what it is, but for those of you that don't it's like a mini gymnastics place in Papillion. All of the stuff in there is built for small children. Ally will be in the class called "Fractions in Action". The class will last about 40min. , they do some warm-up and then play on some of the stuff and then a cool down. I know I'm vague but we haven't actually gone to a class yet. Tomorrow will be our first day. I have to be next to her at all times which should be fun. It sounds like you are on your own mostly with a little guidance from the instructors. I guess we can do that. I just hope Ally likes it. Dan was a little hesitant at first...(you know him, he is just looking out for Ally's safety), but I think he knows I will keep a good eye on her and not let her go totally crazy in there. :) I will let you all know how it goes tomorrow, wish us luck!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'll be anxious to here how it goes for you. I'm sure Ally will LOVE it!!