Hope you all had a nice Labor Day weekend. Ally and I enjoyed spending some time with Daddy, he got off early from work on Friday and we went to the zoo for a couple hours. I didn't see him much on Sat. but Sunday we spent most of the day playing the "train game". I talked about it a little before (we have played with Sarah and Jason). It's this board game that has almost everyone I know who has played it HOOKED! Why can't I come up with stuff like this!?
We went over Grandma and Grandpa's today for dinner and played a game with them. I even got Mom and Gina hooked! Anyway, we ate too much food and we got to spend a little time with Aunt Susie. Papa has almost finished painting the house, it looks good. It's different but good. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with this, I guess it's just another thing from my childhood that is no longer the same. I have always known my Mom and Dad's house to be yellow. It has ALWAYS been yellow. Now it is like a muted brown or maybe tan color. It looks good but it just doesn't seem like my house. Weird huh!?
We also had a little tragedy, Doc, my parents family dog, bit Ally tonight. He has NEVER shown signs of anything like this before. He didn't get her real bad, just a little scratch by her eye, but nonetheless he bit her. She had been following him around all weekend and I should have been keeping a better eye on her around him, but you know how this stuff happens... very quickly. Ally kept saying, "Doc got my face, Doc bit my face" I told her Doc was a bad boy so that's what she keeps saying. I think she was shocked more than anything that he would do that to her. (as were we) So, I don't know what else to say.....I can't believe he did it and I am SO thankful that it wasn't any worse.
So, you bought the game? I knew you guys would be hooked -- it is addicting. Now did you get the expansion pack? Because that will be next if you haven't bought it already!!
Wow! What an eventful weekend. I'm sorry she got bit, but it doesn't look bad AT ALL. There's a kid at my church that just got bit by his dog a month ago and you can tell his face will never be the same. By the way, I think brown is a much better color than yellow! :)
I know how you feel about your house; I'm sentimental like that, too.
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