Hello out there! I guess it's safe to say that I have not been keeping up with my blog. Stupid facebook! Anyway, we have also been so busy. The last couple of months have been filled with bounce class, softball games, and getting the house ready for our new arrival. Yes, I said our new arriaval. I'm sure everyone already knows (considering we are in the third trimester already) but I guess I should have put it in here. We are very excited and also a little nervous. What is life going to be like with two??? We barley have time now for everything we do,... is the little one going to be ok with that? I guess she will have to be. :)
On another note, Dan's parents spent the last week and a half or so with us. They were able to be here for Ally's birthday and her exhabition at gymnastics class. Everyone was so proud of her! She really did a great job. Of course she loves being three now too! She keeps telling me that she's not two anymore, right? It's almost as if she can't believe it herself. Of course I can't believe it either, where did that go? She will be starting swim lessons in June, has vacation bible school in July, becomes a big sister in August and finally....she will start pre-school in September. Needless to say she is going to have a BIG summer!
So, I guess that's it for now. I am going to start trying to check in a little more often but don't hold your breath. (haha)
7 years ago