Ok, so Sarah tagged me and now I am supposed to tell everyone six things about me. I tell everyone every thing about me so this is going to be hard, I will try and do my best to come up with some new material......
1. Dan took me out on a date tonight, we went out to eat to Johnny's Italian Steak House at Village Point. We had a great dinner and he took me shopping and bought me a new Coach purse. Yeah!! (It's for my birthday) Yeah!! Thanks Dan, Your the BEST HUSBAND EVER!!
2. I love to scrapbook, I know you all know this but if I could do it 24/7 I would! I wish I could work at the headquarters and do something,.. anything. To be around it all day would be awesome and I wish I was way more creative so I could do it as a full time job.
3. When I was in 5
th grade we had an assignment to write a story about being any kind of animal you wanted for a day. They were submitted to the newspaper and picked to be in it and if yours was picked you received a bond as a reward also. I wrote about being a dolphin for a day and mine was chosen. My teacher thought I would grow up to be a writer, go figure.
4. I have a very diverse group of friends. I LOVE that about my friends. They all come from different backgrounds and birth orders and from different places. I admire all of them for there individuality and the way they bring different thoughts and views into my world.
5. I cannot
remember anything when it comes to school work, history, math, whatever. But when it comes to movies or music, I can remember everything. Why it works this way I have no idea but I can quote movies and remember lyrics to songs and tell you if Ashton
Kutcher has a twin brother (he does by the way, Michael).
6. I have recently started getting a more involved at my church. I have only been a member there for about 4yrs. (I joined when Dan and I got married) I will be joining the Fellowship Board next year and Dan and I have been attending the 20-30's group functions. It has really been a positive thing for me this year. I can't explain it really, but I just feel better about myself and my family when I am around the church. I guess it's just about building a relationship with God and my church family. I am looking forward to having Ally grow up in this church.
Wow, this was way more difficult than I thought. I tell you guys everything!!!
By the way, I'm tagging Annmarie and Keely. I think I should tag my Aunt Eileen too!!!